Register OAuth applications

published by: Tyler Lu

To start, you must register OAuth applications for GitHub and LinkedIn. These OAuth applications allow the application to authenticate to GitHub and LinkedIn and download user profile information stored in these systems.

Register GitHub OAuth application

  1. Sign into GitHub.
  2. Open
  3. Fill the form with the following information:

    • Application name: Developer Finder

    • Homepage URL: https://developer-finder-[suffix]

      Note: Replace the [suffix] placeholder with the one you choose to use. Use this same value throughout the deployment process.


    • Authorization callback URL:


      Note: Replace the [suffix] placeholder with the one you choose to use. Use this same value throughout the deployment process.


  4. Click Register application.
  5. Copy aside the ClientID and Client Secret.

    Note: These values will be used for the OAuth GitHub Client Id and OAuth GitHub client Secret ARM template parameters.

Register LinkedIn OAuth application

  1. Sign into LinkedIn.

  2. Open

  3. Fill the form with the following information:

    • Name: Developer Finder

    • Application Logo: download and use the image below

    • Website URL: https://developer-finder-[suffix]

      Note: Replace the [suffix] placeholder with the one you choose to use. Use this same value throughout the deployment process.


  4. Input the other required fields, then click Submit.

  5. Add the OAuth 2 Authorized Redirect URL:


    Note: Replace the [suffix] placeholder with the one you choose to use. Use this same value throughout the deployment process.


  6. Click Update.

  7. Copy aside the ClientID and Client Secret.

    Note: These values will be used for the OAuth LinkedIn Client Id and OAuth LinkedIn Client Secret ARM template parameters.